You can understand the running highly available, performant, and secure PHP applications on AWS. Amazon…
Tag: linux
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Extend your ec2 Linux disk without reboot on Amazon Web Services
For some reason, you have to extend your ec2 Linux server with our reboot and…
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Find large files in CentOS, ubuntu and MacOS easily
Sometimes, maybe everybody needs to check large files in the system. There some useful commands…
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Error: No space left on the device when starting/stopping services only
I’m using Amazon SSM Agent for connecting to EC2 instance via securely. Amazon SSM Agent…
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Download specific file extension via wget easily on terminal
Sometimes, there may be files with more than one extension in a directory or folder….
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Find the exact size of certain files in Linux via terminal
One day, there may be a lot of files in more than one extension in…
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Disable SELinux on CentOS 7 or CentOS 8
This tutorial shows you how you can disable SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) on your CentOS server….